Dear all,
For information: the mail below with our budget and programme changes as
been finally forward to the EU agency.
Normally there should be no problem concerning those changes, but we
will keep you updated.
Have a nice weekend!
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Contract n.2011 - 0809/001-001 CU7 COOP7 : budget & program
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:44:04 +0200
From: Donatella <donatella(a)>
To: dagmar.hoepcke(a)
Dear Mrs Dagmar Hoepcke,
As explained on the phone last week, after discussing with each of the
beneficiaries, we have decided to make a few changes to the budget and
programme we presented to your agency. This, we believe, will make the
project run more smoothly and make the Unit more successful. The changes
do in general not surpass 10% per heading, besides for subsistence of
staff. Any extra costs resulting form these changes will be carried by
the coordinator, Constant.
Please find in attachment an update of the estimated budget.
- We have added extra time for researchers in the budget of the
coordinator (+ 0.15 fte). In our original budget we had underestimated
the editorial work necessary to connect each of the research threads
executed by the different partners.
- We have added extra time for coordination and administration. In our
original budget we had underestimated the amount of support needed for
the project.
- We almost halved the costs for staff-subsistence (heading 4b). This is
due to the fact that we decided to work with one staffmember, not two.
- We have fine-tuned the budgets for research meetings, taking into
account the difference in costs for subsistence in different countries.
It means some meetings ended up cheaper, others more expensive.
- We grouped the on-line publication and commissioned texts into a
reader that will be beneficial to schools and universities. We still
commission texts (albeit 4 shorter ones and not 2), but they will be
contextualised in a collection of existing texts, edited specifically
for the project.
- We rescheduled the work programme partially. The updated e-form is
We hope those changes will be approved by the Agency. We remain at your
disposal for any further inquiry.
Best regards,
Donatella Portoghese
constant vzw | rue du fort straat 5 | 1060 brussel belgie | 0032 (0)2
5392467 |
Nucleus mailing list
Dear all
I will be giving a tutorial at ICEC 2011
about Open Software and Art. More info including the text describing the
tutorial here
Canada is far away, but may be some of you will be around so I wanted to let
you know.
Looking forward to meet you all in December and share about this tutorial
and other projects,
Letizia Jaccheri
hi lgru_List,
and hola Dani y Gabi! Great to see you come aboard :)
the dates for research-meeting no.1 on 'Networked Graphics' is set for
December 7th till 11th (2011), and is taking place in WORM at our new
location on Witte de Withstraat 63.
These dates are rather solid in our calendar&agenda so are not likely to
change, although some cases of 'overmacht' are possible (.. an Indian
Summer in December, another soccer finale Spain-Holland etc. ;)
We're in the midst of finishing up our move and re-location, busy times
indeed, i'm writing this while scraping together some old clothes for
paintwork and cleaning chores - for some img's on the new situation
check here:
(superuse and recycling is cool and all but on individual energy
footprints i think we're breaking even in this project, hehe..)
In the meantime also our new [soft&hard]media-lab is coming along
nicely, we are modding our Ultimaker 3D printer, building a new M$
Kinect-based 3D scanner, and are starting to build our own (yes, DIY)
large-format laser cutter (approx. 120x90cm's, all FOSS & OSHW).
Also as of yesterday a new module-set for our Hotglue platform is in
concrete development, focusing on rapid deployment and showcasing of
WebGL and Processing.JS content on teh webz.
looking fwd to seeing you all again in December, and best wishes untill
On 09/02/2011 12:00 PM, lgru-request(a) wrote:
> Send LGRU mailing list submissions to
> lgru(a)
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> lgru-request(a)
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> lgru-owner(a)
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of LGRU digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: WORMs plans (Femke Snelting)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 10:37:07 +0200
> From: Femke Snelting<snelting(a)>
> Subject: Re: [LGRU] WORMs plans
> To: lgru(a)
> Message-ID:<4E6095B3.30108(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Hello,
> Forwarding news from Laura -- welcome Daniel Pietrosemoli and Gabriel Lucas!
> Domehow MLP and Constant mailservers remain incompatible :-(
> Does anyone else experience this problem?
> Femke
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
> Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 10:27:43 +0200
> From: laura(a)
> To:<snelting(a)>
> Hello Femke!
> I hope you are doing well, and that you could enjoy some summer break.
> I saw the info about your meeting with worm, it sounds really good.
> As you see, it seems that we also have problems to commumicate with
> LGRU Constamt's mailing list :(
> Maybe you can forward the message to the list, and i will try again to
> see if we can solve it. I still don't know if the problem is in our side
> or yours or both...
> Cheers!
> laura
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
> Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 23:47:04 +0200 (CEST)
> From: MAILER-DAEMON(a) (Mail Delivery System)
> To: laura(a)
> Hello everyone,
> hello Katelyn, thanks for the information. Worm plans sound really
> exciting...
> I have a question: do we have already confirmed dates for Research
> meeting 1?
> And also would like to introduce you to two new members in the list
> -some of you already know them -, my colleagues Daniel Pietrosemoli and
> Gabriel Lucas who are the technical coordinator and system admin at
> Medialab-Prado. They will get involved specifically in the issues
> related to 3d printing.
> Best
> laura
> -
> On 22/08/11 16:07, katelyn brand wrote:
>> Dear LGRU,
>> Let me introduce myself; I'm Katelyn Brand from WORM and I will be
>> involved with WORMs part of the project as projectleader.
>> Walter is still there for the content and organisation.
>> WORM and Femke Snelting met up August 12 to speak WORM plans through.
>> As attachments for everybody's information; the summary of the
>> meeting
>> and new information about WORMs LGRU projects.
>> Greetings,
>> Katelyn
>> -----
>> projects& production
>> [1]
>> 010-4767832
>> achterhaven 148
>> 3024 RC Rotterdam
>> _______________________________________________
>> LGRU mailing list
>> LGRU(a) [2]
>> [3]
Forwarding news from Laura -- welcome Daniel Pietrosemoli and Gabriel Lucas!
Domehow MLP and Constant mailservers remain incompatible :-(
Does anyone else experience this problem?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 10:27:43 +0200
From: laura(a)
To: <snelting(a)>
Hello Femke!
I hope you are doing well, and that you could enjoy some summer break.
I saw the info about your meeting with worm, it sounds really good.
As you see, it seems that we also have problems to commumicate with
LGRU Constamt's mailing list :(
Maybe you can forward the message to the list, and i will try again to
see if we can solve it. I still don't know if the problem is in our side
or yours or both...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 23:47:04 +0200 (CEST)
From: MAILER-DAEMON(a) (Mail Delivery System)
To: laura(a)
Hello everyone,
hello Katelyn, thanks for the information. Worm plans sound really
I have a question: do we have already confirmed dates for Research
meeting 1?
And also would like to introduce you to two new members in the list
-some of you already know them -, my colleagues Daniel Pietrosemoli and
Gabriel Lucas who are the technical coordinator and system admin at
Medialab-Prado. They will get involved specifically in the issues
related to 3d printing.
On 22/08/11 16:07, katelyn brand wrote:
> Dear LGRU,
> Let me introduce myself; I'm Katelyn Brand from WORM and I will be
> involved with WORMs part of the project as projectleader.
> Walter is still there for the content and organisation.
> WORM and Femke Snelting met up August 12 to speak WORM plans through.
> As attachments for everybody's information; the summary of the
> meeting
> and new information about WORMs LGRU projects.
> Greetings,
> Katelyn
> -----
> projects & production
> [1]
> 010-4767832
> achterhaven 148
> 3024 RC Rotterdam
> _______________________________________________
> LGRU mailing list
> LGRU(a) [2]
> [3]
Laura Fernández
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Plaza de las Letras
Alameda 15 28014 Madrid
Tfno. +34 913 692 303
laura(a) [4] [5]