Dear all LGRU'ers,
we at Piksel are looking forward to see many of you here in Bergen next week for the PIksels and Lines research meeting. The confirmed participant list can be viewed here:
Attached is the research meeting program and schedule, which will also be made available via LGRU website and the PIksel website: [
We have had excellent weather so far, and cross fingers for bringing it with us the throughout the seminar days.
Stay tuned!
All the best
Elisabeth Nesheim
Georgernes Verft 12
N-5011 Bergen
[m] +47 41303074
[e] cop(a) cop(a)
[w] ->]
Piksel11 :: nov. 17-20 2011
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Good news: The final public event of LGRU will coincide with the Libre Graphics Meeting (March or early April 2013) :-)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Farewell LGM 2012 Vienna ... welcome to Madrid in 2013!
Date: Sun, 06 May 2012 16:36:49 +0200
From: Femke Snelting <snelting(a)>
To: create <create(a)>
CC: Marcos García <marcos(a)>
Dear all,
For those that could not make it to the Libre Graphics Meeting this year in Vienna:
Marcos García and myself are very happy that at the closing of LGM 2012, our invitation to meet next year in Madrid was accepted with enthusiasm :-)
In 2013, LGM will be more than welcome at Medialab Prado a cultural space dedicated to Free Culture. Medialab Prado is located in the center of the city and well connected to developer communities, universities, artschools and to a whole network of artists and designers.
We will be back to you with more details about venue, dates etc. in a few weeks. In the mean time, if you want to be involved in organising this LGM (or just want to follow how it is done), do not hesitate to inscribe yourself to the organisers-mailinglist:
Marcos García (Medialab Prado)
Femke Snelting (Constant, LGRU)
I would like to buy a 3d printer to augment our creativity workshop for
children with these kinds of activities. Does anybody have suggestions for
me about which printer I should buy?
Thanks! Letizia
A bit of procrastination...
# This text is based on the work from Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp in
# his 1928 essay "Morphology of the Folktale." By studying many
# Russian folktales, Propp was able to break down their narrative
# structure into several functions, literally exposing an underlying
# thirty one step recipe to write new and derivate similar stories.